1、劍橋大學(University of Cambridge)
所有專業(yè)申請費:£ 50
2、牛津大學(University of Oxford)
所有專業(yè)申請費:£75,MBA申請費:£ 15
3、倫敦政治經濟學院(London School of Economics and Political Science)
4、帝國理工學院(Imperial CollegeLondon)
所有商科,除Doctoral Programme外,MBA申請費:150美金,其它商科MSc申請費:75美金
5、杜倫大學(Durham University)
MSc Economics
MSc Environmental and Natural Resource Economics
MSc Experimental Economics
MSc Public Economics
MSc Finance
MSc Finance (Accounting and Finance)
MSc Finance (Corporate and International Finance)
MSc Finance (Economics and Finance)
MSc Finance (Finance and Investment)
MSc Finance (International Banking and Finance)
MSc Finance (International Money, Finance and Investment)
MSc Global Finance
MSc Islamic Finance
MSc Islamic Finance and Management
MSc Management
MSc Management (Business Ethics)
MSc Management (Entrepreneurship)
MSc Management (Finance)
MSc Management (Human Resource Management)
MSc Management (International Business)
MSc Management (Supply Chain Logistics)
Executive MA Entrepreneurship
Executive MA Management
MSc Marketing
Executive MA Marketing
6、巴斯大學(University of Bath)
MSc in Accounting and Finance
MSc in Finance
MSc in Finance with Banking
MSc in Finance with Risk Management
MSc in International Management
MSc in Management – all routes
MSc in Marketing
MSc in Advanced Management Practice
MSc in Innovation and Technology Management
MSc in Sustainability and Management
MSc in Human Resource Management and Consulting
MSc Economics
MSc Economics & Finance
MSc International Money & Banking
MA Interpreting & Translating
7、倫敦大學學院(University College London)
Foundation UPCSE £100
Foundation UPCH £100
8、華威大學(University of Warwick)
9、薩里大學(University of Surrey)
Acting(audition fee)申請費:£35
10、紐卡斯爾大學(Newcastle University)
MA Media & Journalism
MA Media & Public Relations
MA International Multimedia Journalism
11、拉夫堡大學(Loughborough University)
MSc Business Analysis and Management
MSc Finance and Management
MSc International Management
MSc Management
MSc Marketing and Management
MSc Banking and Finance
MSc Banking and Financial Markets
MSc Economics
MSc Economics and Finance
MSc Diploma in Economics
MSc Applied Finance and Banking
MSc Money, Banking and Finance
12、愛丁堡大學(University of Edinburgh)
Full-time MBA
MSc in Accounting and Finance
MSc in Banking & Risk
MSc in Finance & Investment
MSc in Financial Management
MSc in Management
MSc in Marketing
MSc in Marketing & Business Analysis
MSc in International Business & Emerging Markets
Master in Public Policy Application
Master of International Affairs
MSc in Africa & International Development
MSc in International & European Politics
MSc in International Development
MSc in International Relations
MSc in International Relations of the Middle East
MSc in South Asia & International Development
PhD in Politics
13、諾丁漢大學(University of Nottingham)
14、倫敦大學亞非學院(School of Oriental and African Studies, London)
15、曼徹斯特大學(University of Manchester)
MSc Accounting and Finance
MSc Finance
MSc Finance and Business Economics
MSc International Business and Management
MSc Management
MSc Marketing
16、雷丁大學(University of Reading)
MSc International Securities, Investment and Banking
MSc Capital Markets, Regulation and Compliance
MSc Corporate Finance
MSc Financial Engineering
MSc Financial Risk Management
MSc International Shipping and Finance
MSc Investment Banking and Islamic Finance
MSc Investment Management
MSc Energy, Finance and Investment(新開專業(yè),待定)
MSc Behavioural Finance(新開專業(yè),待定)
17、倫敦城市大學(City University London)
Full Time MBA
Executive MBA
18、皇家藝術學院(Royal College of Art)