
精選答案The University of Wales, Aberystwyth (A40) qualification
Physics with Planetary & Space Physics (F364) 3FT Hon BSc
Physics with Planetary & Space Physics (4 years) (F366) 4FT Hon MPhys
Space Science and Robotics (FH56) 3FT Hon BSc

The University of Birmingham (B32) qualification
Physics and Astrophysics (FF35) 3FT Hon BSc
Physics and Astrophysics (4 yrs) (FFH5) 4FT Hon MSci

University of Bristol (B78) qualification
Physics with Astrophysics (F3F5) 3FT Hon BSc
Physics with Astrophysics (F3FM) 4FT Hon MSci
Physics with Astrophysics with Indust Experience (FHF5) 4SW Hon BSc

University of Cambridge (C05) qualification
Natural Sciences - (Astrophysics) (BCF0) 3FT/4FT Hon BA

Cardiff University (C15) qualification
Astrophysics (F510) 4FT Hon MPhys
Astrophysics (F511) 3FT Hon BSc
Physics with Astronomy (F3F5) 3FT Hon BSc
Physics with Astronomy (F3FM) 4FT Hon MPhys

University of Central Lancashire (C30) qualification
Combined Honours Programme - (Astronomy (B1)) (Y003) 3FT Deg BA/BSc
Mathematics and Astronomy (FG51) 3FT Hon BSc

Durham University (D86) qualification
Natural Sciences - (Astronomy) (CFG0) 3FT Hon BSc
Physics and Astronomy (FF3N) 4FT Hon MPhys
Physics and Astronomy (3 years) (FF35) 3FT Hon BSc

The University of Edinburgh (E56) qualification
Astrophysics (F361) 5FT Hon MPhys
Astrophysics (F510) 4FT Hon BSc
Geophysics and Meteorology (FFP8) 4FT Hon BSc

University of Exeter (E84) qualification
Physics with Astrophysics (F3F5) 3FT Hon BSc
Physics with Astrophysics (F3FM) 4FT Hon MPhys

University of Glamorgan (G14) qualification
Astrobiology (F590) 3FT/4SW Hon BSc
Astronomy and Culture (FL56) 3FT/4SW Hon BSc
Astronomy and Physical Geography (FF58) 3FT Hon BSc

Astronomy and Space (F520) 3FT/4SW Hon BSc
Astronomy with Geology (F5F6) 3FT Hon BSc
Astronomy with Physical Geography (F5F8) 3FT Hon BSc
Combined Studies Scheme (Honours) - (Astronomy) (Y003) 3FT Hon Mod
Geology and Astronomy (FF56) 3FT Hon BSc
Geology with Astronomy (F6F5) 3FT Hon BSc
Mathematics with Astronomy (G1F5) 3FT Hon BSc
Physical Geography with Astronomy (F8F5) 3FT Hon BSc

University of Glasgow (G28) qualification
Applied Mathematics and Astronomy (FGN1) 5FT Hon MSci
Applied Mathematics and Astronomy (GF15) 4FT Hon BSc
Astronomy and Mathematics (FG5D) 5FT Hon MSci
Astronomy and Mathematics (FGM1) 4FT Hon BSc
Astronomy and Physics (FF53) 4FT Hon BSc
Astronomy and Physics (FF5H) 5FT Hon MSci

University of Hertfordshire (H36) qualification
Astrophysics (F501) 3FT Hon BSc

Astrophysics (Extended) (F528) 4FT/5SW Hon BSc
Astrophysics w Scientific Comp with yr in Europe (F5GK) 4FT Hon BSc
Astrophysics with Sci Computing w. yr N.America (F5G9) 4FT Hon BSc
Astrophysics with Scientific Computing (F5GL) 3FT/4SW Hon BSc
Astrophysics with a year in Europe (F521) 4FT Hon BSc
Astrophysics with a year in North America (F522) 4FT Hon BSc
Extended Degree in Science - (Astronomy) (BCF0) 4FT/5SW Hon BA/BSc

Keele University (K12) qualification
American Studies and Astrophysics (FT57) 3FT Hon BSc
Applied Environmental Science and Astrophysics (FF95) 3FT Hon BSc
Astrophysics (F510) 3FT Hon BSc
Astrophysics and Biochemistry (CF75) 3FT Hon BSc
Astrophysics and Biology (CF15) 3FT Hon BSc
Astrophysics and Business Administration (FN59) 3FT Hon BSc
Astrophysics and Chemistry (FF15) 3FT Hon BSc
Astrophysics and Computer Science (FG54) 3FT Hon BSc
Astrophysics and Criminology (FM59) 3FT Hon BSc
Astrophysics and Economics (FL51) 3FT Hon BSc
Astrophysics and Educational Studies (FX53) 3FT Hon BSc
Astrophysics and English (FQ53) 3FT Hon BSc
Astrophysics and Geology (FF56) 3FT Hon BSc
Astrophysics and History (FV51) 3FT Hon BSc
Astrophysics and Human Resource Management (FN56) 3FT Hon BSc
Astrophysics and Management Science (FN52) 3FT Hon BSc
Astrophysics and Marketing (FN55) 3FT Hon BSc
Astrophysics and Mathematics (FG51) 3FT Hon BSc
Astrophysics and Medicinal Chemistry (FF51) 3FT Hon BSc
Astrophysics and Music (FW53) 3FT Hon BSc
Astrophysics and Music Technology (FWM3) 3FT Hon BSc
Astrophysics and Neuroscience (BF15) 3FT Hon BSc
Astrophysics and Philosophy (FV55) 3FT Hon BSc
Astrophysics and Politics (FL52) 3FT Hon BSc
Astrophysics and Sociology (FL53) 3FT Hon BSc

University of Kent (K24) qualification
Astronomy, Space Sci & Astrophysics & Yr in USA (F591) 4FT Hon MPhys
Astronomy, Space Science & Astrophysics (F590) 3FT Hon BSc
Astronomy, Space Science and Astrophysics (F592) 4FT Hon MPhys
Physics with Astrophysics (F3F5) 3FT Hon BSc
Physics with Astrophysics (4 years) (F3FN) 4FT Hon MPhys

King's College London (University of London) (K60) qualification
Physics with Astrophysics (F3F5) 3FT Hon BSc

Kingston University (K84) qualification
Aerospace Eng'ing, Astronautics & ST (4 year SW) (H427) 4SW Hon BEng
Aerospace Eng'ing, Astronautics & ST (5 year SW) (H429) 5SW Hon MEng
Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics & Space Tech (H428) 4FT Hon MEng
Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics & Space Tech (H430) 3FT Hon BEng

Lancaster University (L14) qualification
Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology (F3F5) 4FT Hon MPhys
Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology (F3FM) 3FT Hon BSc
Physics/North America - (Cosmology) (F305) 4FT Hon MPhys

University of Leeds (L23) qualification
Physics (F300) 3FT Hon BSc
Physics (4 years) (F302) 4FT Hon MPhys
Physics with Astrophysics (F3F5) 3FT Hon BSc
Physics with Astrophysics (4 years) (F3FM) 4FT Hon MPhys
Physics with Foundation Studies (F301) 4FT Hon BSc

University of Leicester (L34) qualification
Earth and Planetary Sciences (FF65) 3FT Hon BSc
Earth and Planetary Sciences (4 years) (FF6M) 4FT Hon MGeol
Mathematics with Astronomy (G1F5) 3FT Hon BSc
Mathematics with Astronomy (4 years) (G1FN) 4FT Hon MMath
Mathematics with Astronomy (Europe) (4 years) (G1FM) 4FT Hon BSc
Physics with Astrophysics (F3F5) 3FT Hon BSc
Physics with Astrophysics (4 years) (F3FM) 4FT Hon MPhys
Physics with Space Science and Technology (F365) 3FT Hon BSc

The University of Liverpool (L41) qualification
Astrophysics (F521) 4FT Hon MPhys
Physics with Astronomy (F3F5) 3FT Hon BSc

Liverpool John Moores University (L51) qualification
Astrophysics (F521) 4FT Hon MPhys
Physics with Astronomy (F3F5) 3FT Hon BSc

The University of Manchester (M20) qualification
Geology with Planetary Science (F6F5) 3FT Hon BSc
Geology with Planetary Science (F6FM) 4FT Hon MEarthSci

The University of Nottingham (N84) qualification
Physics with Astronomy (F3F5) 3FT Hon BSc
Physics with Astronomy (MSci) (4 years) (F3FM) 4FT Hon MSci

Nottingham Trent University (N91) qualification
Astronomy (F500) 3FT/4SW Hon BSc (Hons)
Astronomy and Physics (FF53) 3FT/4SW Hon BSc
Natural Sciences (CF00) 3FT/4SW Hon BSc
Physics with Astrophysics (F3F5) 3FT Hon BSc
Quantum and Cosmological Physics (F392) 3FT/4SW Hon BSc
Quantum and Cosmological Physics (F393) 4FT Hon MSci

Queen Mary, University of London (Q50) qualification
Astronomy (F500) 3FT Hon BSc
Astronomy (F503) 4FT Hon MSci
Astrophysics (F523) 4FT Hon MSci
Astrophysics (F526) 3FT Hon BSc
Science and Engineering (4 yrs with Foundation) - (Astronomy) (FGH0) 4FT Hon BSc/BEng

Queen's University Belfast (Q75) qualification
Physics with Astrophysics (F3F5) 3FT Hon BSc
Physics with Astrophysics (F3FM) 4FT Hon MSci

Royal Holloway, University of London (R72) qualification
Astrophysics (F510) 4FT Hon MSci
Planetary Geology (FF65) 3FT Hon BSc

The University of Sheffield (S18) qualification
Mathematics and Astronomy (3 years) (GF15) 3FT Hon BSc
Mathematics and Astronomy (4 years) (GFC5) 4FT Hon MMath
Physics and Astrophysics (3 years) (FF35) 3FT Hon BSc
Physics with Astrophysics (4 years) (F3F5) 4FT Hon MPhys

University of Southampton (S27) qualification
Mathematics with Astronomy (G1F5) 3FT Hon BSc
Physics with Astronomy (F3F5) 3FT Hon BSc
Physics with Astronomy (4 years) (F3FM) 4FT Hon MPhys
Physics with Astronomy (year abroad) (F3FN) 4FT Hon MPhys

University of St Andrews (S36) qualification
Astrophysics (F510) 4FT/5FT Hon MPhys
Astrophysics (F511) 3FT/4FT Hon BSc

University of Surrey (S85) qualification
Physics with Nuclear Astrophysics (3 or 4 years) (F3F5) 3FT Hon BSc
Physics with Nuclear Astrophysics (4 years) (F3FM) 4FT Hon MPhys

University of Sussex (S90) qualification
Astrophysics (4 years) (F501) 4FT Hon MPhys
Astrophysics (research placement) (4 years) (F510) 4FT Hon MPhys
Physics and Astronomy (with a foundation year) (FF35) 4FT Hon BSc
Physics with Astrophysics (F3F5) 3FT Hon BSc
Physics with Astrophysics (4 years) (F3FM) 4FT Hon MPhys

University of Wales Swansea (S93) qualification
Physics with Particle Physics & Cosmology (F3F5) 3FT Hon BSc

University College London (University of London) (U80) qualification
Astronomy (F500) 3FT Hon BSc
Astronomy (F502) 4FT Hon MSci
Astrophysics (F510) 3FT Hon BSc
Astrophysics (F511) 4FT Hon MSci

The University of York (Y50) qualification
Physics with Astrophysics (F3F5) 3FT/4FT Hon BSc
Physics with Astrophysics (F3FN) 4FT Hon MPh

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