
本文來源于城市規(guī)劃博客, 原文地址:


1.E. Howard,1898,Tomorrow:A Peaceful Path to Real Reform,金經(jīng)元譯,明日的田園城市,北京:商務(wù)印書館,2000
2.L. Mumford,1961,The City in History,倪文彥和宋俊嶺譯,城市發(fā)展史:起源、演進和前景,中國建筑工業(yè)出版社,1989/2005
3.Clara Greed,2000,Introducing Planning,王雅娟和張尚武譯,規(guī)劃引介,北京:中國建筑工業(yè)出版社,2007
4.John M. Levy,2002,Contemporary Urban Planning(5th ed.),孫景秋等譯,現(xiàn)代城市規(guī)劃,北京:中國人民大學(xué)出版社,2003
5.J. Jacobs,1961,The Death and Life of Great American Cities,金衡山譯,美國大城市的死與生,南京:譯林出版社,2005
6.Edmund Bacon,,1967,Design of Cities,黃富廂和朱琪譯,城市設(shè)計,中國建筑工業(yè)出版社,2003

7.Christopher Alexander,1987,A New Theory of Urban Design,陳治業(yè),童麗萍,城市設(shè)計新理論,北京:知識產(chǎn)權(quán)出版社,2002
8.Ian McHarg,1969,Design with Nature,芮經(jīng)緯譯,設(shè)計結(jié)合自然,北京:中國建筑工業(yè)出版社,1999
9.I. Calvino,Invisible Cities,看不見的城市
10.Peter Hall,1992,Urban and Regional Planning (3rd ed.),Routledge
11. Jonathan Barnett,1974,Urban Design as Public Policy: Practical Methods for Improving Cities
12. William H. Whyte,1980/2001,The Social Life of Small Urban Places,Project for Public Spaces Inc
13. Spiro Kostof,1991,The City Shaped: Urban Patterns and Meanings Through History,單皓譯,城市的形成:歷史進程中的城市模式和城市意義,北京,建筑工業(yè)出版社,2005;1992,The City Assembled: The Elements of Urban Form Through History
14. F.S. Chapin, Jr 和 E.J. Kaiser,Urban Land Use Planning(3rd ed.),University of Illinois Press

15. Barry Cullingworth and Vincent Nadin,2002,Town and Country Planning in the UK(13th ed.),London and New York:Routledge


1. L.S. Bourne編,1982,Internal Structure of the City (2nd ed.),Oxford University Press
2. 蔡禾主編,2003,城市社會學(xué):理論與視野,廣州:中山大學(xué)出版社
3. Scott Campbell和Susan Faninstein編,1996,Readings in Planning Theory,Malden:Blackwell Publishers
4. Michael Dear,2000,The Postmodern Urban Condition,李小科等譯,后現(xiàn)代都市狀況,上海:上海教育出版社,2004
5. William N. Dunn,1994,Policy Analysis: An Introduction(2nd ed.),謝明等譯,2002,公共政策分析導(dǎo)論,北京:中國人民大學(xué)出版社
6. Robert Fishman,1994,Urban Utopias in the Twentieth Century:Ebenezer Howard,F(xiàn)rank Lloyd Wright,Le Corbusier,Cambridge and London:The MIT Press
7. Robert Freestone編,2000,Urban Planning in a Changing World:The Twentieth Century Experience,New York:E & Fn Spon

8. 郭彥弘,1992,城市規(guī)劃概論,中國建筑工業(yè)出版社
9. Peter Hall,1988,Cities of Tomorrow:An Intellectual History of Urban Planning and Design in Twentieth Century,Basil Blackwell
10. David Harvey,1973,Social Justice and the City,Edward Arnold
11. K. Lynch,1981,A Theory of Good City Form,林慶怡等譯,城市形態(tài),北京:華夏出版社,2001
12. J.B. McLoughlin,1968,Urban and Regional Planning:A Systems Approach,王鳳武譯,系統(tǒng)方法在城市和區(qū)域規(guī)劃中的應(yīng)用,中國建筑工業(yè)出版社,1988
13. James Holston,The Modernist City: An Anthropological Critique of Brasilia
14. Euquenie Birch編,2007,The Urban and Regional Planning Readern

1. J. Friedmann,1987,Planning in the Public Domain:From Knowledge to Action,Princeton University Press
2. Nan Ellin,1996,Postmodern Urbanism,張冠增譯,后現(xiàn)代城市主義,上海:同濟大學(xué)出版社,2007
3. S.S. Fainstein,1994,The City Builders:Property,Politics,and Planning in London and New York,Blackwell
4. John Forester,1989,Planning in the Face of Power,University of California Press
5. P. Healey,1997,Collaborative Planning:Shaping Places in Fragmented Societies,MacMillan
6. Edward W. Soja,2000,Postmetropolis:Critical Studies of Cities and Regions,后大都市(該書有中文譯本,是上海教育出版社出的,因書不在身邊,不列版本)
7. Nigel Taylor,1998,Urban Planning Theory Since 1945,(該書有中文譯本,是中國建筑工業(yè)出版社出的,因書不在身邊,不列版本)
8. Sharon Zukin,1991,Landscapes of Power:From Detroit to Disney World,Berkeley,Los Angeles and London:University of California Press
9. Manuel Castells,1972/1977, The Urban Question:A Marxist Approach,The MIT Press 10. Michael Dear和A. J. Scott編,1981,Urbanization and Urban Planning in Capitalistic Society
11. Mike Davis,1990,City of Quartz: Excavating the Future in Los Angeles,Verso
12. A. J. Scott和E. W. Soja編輯,1996,The City: Los Angeles and Urban Theory at the End of the Twentieth Century,
13. L Sandercock編,1998,Making the Invisible Visible: A Multicultural Planning History,University of California Press
14. Ruth Eaton,2002,Ideal Cities:Utopianism and the (Un)Built Environment, Thames & Hudson Ltd 15. Gary Bridge and Sophie Watson編,2000,A Companion to the City,Malden:Blackwell Publishers Ltd
ch編,2007,The Urban and Regional Planning Readern

1. Zygmunt Bauman,1987,Legislators and Interpreters:On Modernity,Post-Modernity and Intellectuals,洪濤譯,2000,立法者與闡釋者:論現(xiàn)代性、后現(xiàn)代性與知識分子,上海:上海人民出版社
2. Gary Bridge和Sophie Watson編,2002,The Blackwell City Reader,Blackwell
3. Henri Lefebvre,1991,The Production of Space,由Donald Nicholson-Smith譯,Oxford and Cambridge:Blackwell
4. Paul Rabinow,1989,F(xiàn)rench Modern:Norms and Forms of the Social Environment,MIT Press
5. L. Sandercock,2003,Cosmopolis Ⅱ:Mongrel Cities of the 21st Century,London and New York:Continuum
6. Karl Mannheim,Ideology and Utopia: An Introduction to the Sociology of Knowledge,黎鳴等譯,意識形態(tài)和烏托邦,北京:商務(wù)印書館,2000
7. William H. Whyte,1956,The Organization Man,Anchor
8. Hannah Arendt,1958, The Human Condition,竺乾威等譯,人的條件,上海:上海人民出版社,1999
9. Mancur Olson,1965, The Logic of Collective Action:Public Goods and the Theory of Groups,,陳郁等譯,集體行動的邏輯,上海:上海三聯(lián)書店和上海人民出版社,1995
10. John Rawls,1971,A Theory of Justice,何懷宏等譯,公正論,北京:中國社會科學(xué)出版社,1988
11. Richard Sennett,1976,The Fall of Public Man:On the Social Psychology of Capitalism,F(xiàn)aber and Faber limited
12. Michel Foucault,1982,Space, Knowledge, and Power,
13. M. Castells,1983,The City and the Grassroots: A Cross-Cultural Theory of Urban Social Movements,University of California Press
14. Frank Fischer和John Forester編,1993,The Argumentative Turn in Policy Analysis and Planning,Duke University Press
15. M. Castells,1996,The Rise of the Network Society,網(wǎng)絡(luò)社會的興起;1997,The Power of Identity,身份的權(quán)力;1998,End of Millennium,千年的終結(jié)(這三本書均有中文譯本,因書不在身邊,不列版本)
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